I haven’t read many of the Conan the Barbarian books, but I’m reasonably sure that whenever he was brought low in a fight, he didn’t suddenly pull a drumstick from thin air, cram it into his face, and rise mightily back up to fight his foe. That’s sort of the problem that Conan Exiles was facing, and according to producer Scott Junior, was something that needed to be fixed.
“Food items weigh very little and are abundant throughout the world, which allow you to carry multiple stacks when doing any activity. Additionally, these items can be activated at any moment,” explains Junior in his producer’s letter. “This ended up trivializing health as a resource and invalidated several of the other healing options in the game.”
In order to address this problem, healing items in certain categories now have different roles: Potions will be your tactical, mid-combat quick heal; Wraps will be a strong and fast out-of-combat heal, locking players into a 10 second animation; and Food items will provide a background healing effect for use between encounters. These adjustments have been applied as of this past Friday along with some other noted adjustments.
In addition to these changes, Junior’s letter also touched on future plans for the Isle of Siptah such as an update to the economy and crafting systems, balancing some of the expansion’s systems, and a character re-customization feature which includes new character creation options exclusive to Isle of Siptah owners. The devs are also working on feedback on some of Siptah’s mechanics like tweaking wild surges to make them more solo player friendly. Finally, the letter promises additional land masses throughout the early access period.
If you’re curious about our first impressions of Exiles’ latest expansion, make sure to check out the latest article in The Survivalist.