Oh, there’s no place like City of Heroes: Homecoming for the holidays, for no matter how far you should roam… you can always get back to where you need to be with the help of long-range teleportation. Yes, this rogue server has turned on its winter event this year, and if you’ve celebrated in the pat you’ll no doubt be familiar with what it entails. This year’s festivities will also include improvements to the Winter Forest, which is now a general hangout, as well as a new badge for logging in and celebrating.
Speaking of badges, the Long Range Teleporter can now be purchased from the P2W vendor for one million Influence and used to instantly travel to places where you’ve earned an exploration badge. The zones are also better organized and marked, with the current version still planned for future improvements. Check out the full list of updates and changes on the official site, or possibly save it for while you’re very literally chilling in the Winter Forest.