Now that we’re approaching a month of exploring Shadowlands, Blizzard and players alike have a better idea of how the World of Warcraft expansion is functioning in a live environment. Game Director Ion Hazzikostas sat down for an interview on Twitch to analyze the launch, saying that the studio feels pretty good at how it’s gone so far.
Hazzikostas addressed some player points of concern, such as tank threat, dungeon checkpoints, tuning and balance, and that godawful loud sound in the Maw (happily, that’s been fixed). He said that the team is looking into the possibility of leveling up characters through Torghast, but that there aren’t any plans as of right now. There’s also much more planned for the surprisingly popular Maw endgame zone, with future patches bringing more story and content.
In other WoW news, Blizzard is prepping the 2021 Arena World Championship and Mythic Dungeon International seasons. The AWC will offer $900,000 in prize pool money over two seasons, while the MDI has set aside $750,000 for its global run of the new Shadowlands dungeons. The studio is also creating “one-off” tournaments for the year.