Before Elder Scrolls Online calls it a wrap on 2020, Studio Director Matt Firor has a few words to say. Hey! Pipe down, stop spiking the eggnog, and listen to the man, won’t you?
Firor called 2020 “a year of contrasts” for the MMORPG: “The number of players joining the game, playing more often, and playing longer increased to a point we’ve seen only once before—in 2015 just after console launch […] However, we also experienced game instability, far too many bugs, and very rough update launches.”
He said that the team observed how, in particular, engagement with ESO’s housing system increased this year due to what Firor called “virtual nesting.”
In evaluating the year, the studio director said that the choice to pursue “aggressive development” didn’t work out so well due to the studio working remotely. He promised that going into 2021, ZeniMax will “devote more time overall to stability and game performance and less time to new game systems” as the team continues to work from home for the foreseeable future.
Source: Elder Scrolls Online