The machinery behind the scenes at Blizzard is moving fast on the classic version of the first World of Warcraft expansion, The Burning Crusade, and there’s reason to start speculating about how soon players will be able to jump in. Among a number of other new strings discovered by Wowhead while mining out the new test server information was the rather innocuous sounding BURNING_CRUSADE_TRANSITION_DEFAULT_CLONE_DATE string, which listed a default date for cloning your character as May 18th, 2021.
The string seems to be setting the default date for the earliest point you could possibly clone a character, which would imply that either the WoW Classic version of the expansion or the pre-patch will be landing on May 18th. That’s pretty darn soon, considering that beta testing has not yet started. Obviously, this is far from a certainty, but considering that speculation and rumors suggest that beta may start as early as next week, there’s some reason to be hopeful that the next iteration of WoW Classic will be out in just a couple months.