Today is the first step of many for PC players of Elite: Dangerous in something of a literal sense, as the Odyssey expansion has officially kicked off its alpha test, granting Commanders their new pair of space legs to try out.
As readers will recall, alpha testing will roll out in phases, with this first phase granting players a pre-created character and putting them into one star system in order to maximize player interaction and test new items and missions out. Future phases will focus on things like combat, exploration, and finally compatibility with the base game.
For those who have pre-ordered the right version of Odyssey on PC, the alpha test should be available to install via Elite’s game launcher. The Odyssey alpha has also opened up several forums for players to submit feedback and report bugs. As for Odyssey’s ultimate release, that still has the vague window of late spring 2021 on PC and autumn 2021 for consoles.
Greetings commanders! We're aware of an issue of some transportation missions not being available in the Alpha at present. A hotfix will deploy shortly to resolve this. pic.twitter.com/7Xs5WSPsYE
— Elite Dangerous (@EliteDangerous) March 29, 2021