“Carnage” doesn’t exactly sound like like a safe and relaxing time, but we’ll make allowances for Crowfall, which has rolled out its Carnage update this week. Less colorfully known as beta 6.520, Carnage specifically opens up the HungerDome arena being used for the Eternal Champions Series 2021 esports tourney, which as we noted over the weekend pits 12 teams of five against each other. Of course, there’s more to the update, even if you don’t care at all about 5v5 PvP, including proper matchmaking and pre-generated archetypes for PvP.
“In addition to the new Tournament world, Carnage also offers significant new features and a range of quality-of-life updates across every facet of the game, such as Crafting Factories (allowing crafters to mass produce weapons, armor, and tools), improved player compass, new import rules for The Dregs campaign and a “quick-trade” system for player-to-player item trading. Carnage also boasts a sweeping pass on the strategy maps for both The Dregs and The Infected and hundreds of power and balance updates to optimize moment-to-moment gameplay. As with each game update, Carnage also features significant performance improvements, most notably in the large-scale PvP battles.”