You knew Phantasy Star Online 2 was launching New Genesis in June. You knew this because SEGA said so. But you didn’t know it was June 9th. Now you know that too, as SEGA announced bright and early this morning that June 9th is the magic day.
“Due to the PSO2:NGS launch, the scheduled maintenance that would have occurred on June 9 (Wed) will be moved forward by about one or two days. More information will be announced at a later date. […] Due to the change in the maintenance schedule, there will be changes to the dates and the content of the “The Road to NEW GENESIS Event” countdown login bonus event. More information will be announced at a later date. Note: There are no changes to the amount of SG distributed. We will hold campaigns to celebrate the launch, so be sure to check them out!”
New Genesis, of course, was announced last summer as something between a sequel and an expansion, as players can continue with the existing game or hop between it and the new game, with all the new graphics and systems in place. The character creator is currently live already for those who want to prep for next week’s rollout.
MOP’s own Chris sampled the beta last month, finding the combat fluid and fun and the addition of an open world most welcome.