Why should you get in your fighting on a Saturday night and no other time? No, The Elder Scrolls Online wants you to get in your fighting all the time. Saturday night, Saturday morning, every other day of the week. See, it’s the Midyear Mayhem Festival starting on June 24th, and that means it’s time for players to get in and start fighting other players with gusto as much as possible. Why would you do that? Well, because you can earn doubled experience and Alliance points just by fighting your vicious little heart out.
Is that still not enough? Well, then, you can also earn unique rewards like style pages for armor and the brand-new Alliance banner-bearer staff and shield pages to really show your pride in your particular alliance. And that’s just the new stuff; there are older rewards you can unlock during the Midyear Mayhem Festival, too. You’ll just need to get in a fair amount of PvP, as the festival ends on July 6th. So get in there and start beating up your friends! It’ll produce delicious reward candy.Source: Official Site