If you were hopping that the announcement of Magic Legends shutting down this October was some sort of sick joke, we’re sorry to inform you that the latest patch makes it very clear this is a real thing. The patch is a small one but also very substantial, changing all of the microtransaction store costs into aether costs, allowing you to buy everything through in-game currency with nary a real cost to worry you.
Battlepass level purchasing has also been turned off, and character rename prices have been substantially reduced as well. This patch comes on the heels of the prior news that the game will shut down permanently in October, with the title never having actually made it out of beta into full launch (although the game was available in open beta for anyone to play, making a full launch a bit of an unusual distinction). Once again, our condolences go out to both fans of the game and the team that appears to have largely been laid off in response.