There’s good reason to be excited about the latest update to Temtem. No, not because there’s an official launch date or anything; that still requires waiting. But it does add the ability for players to actually play the piano as a purely social mechanic, so that is pretty cool. Who doesn’t love in-game musical performances? Criminals, that’s who. So it’s entirely worth noting that Temtem has now by its own admission joined the ranks of games allowing you to make music while you play.
Of course, the update isn’t devoid of non-musical content. For example, players will be able to tour Crema Corp within the game now, in a charmingly meta examination of game development from a questing perspective. You even get to help out with the meta development! There’s also new tournament support allowing you to see who’s the best around at training your critters. Check out the full rundown for all the features involved, and if you’re inspired to make a song because of it, well, you have the tools for it.