With the arrival of Neverwinter’s level squish with the Jewel of the North update on July 27th, players are going to have to deal with a lot of changes. Maybe even more than they realized because it turns out crafting is changing as well. And no, not just so that players can craft gear for the new Bard class (although that’s definitely in there) – profession levels are also getting squished down, with levels functionally divided by four and rounded up to give your new profession level.
There’s a chart if the math there isn’t quite clear, don’t worry.
The change to profession levels also matches changes to the item levels of crafted gear, which are generally getting a fair bit higher along the way. There are also some new tutorials for players who have been away from crafting for a while and have forgotten how it all works, so hopefully you can get back into the workshop and give Bards all the gear they’ll need as they level up.Source: Official Site