Nexon is taking the wraps off of multiple projects this week, and before we leap in, just know that we don’t know whether all of these will make it to the west, and in fact some of the older Nexon projects destined for the west never made it out the door at all, so don’t get your hopes too far up just yet. And also RIP Peria Chronicles. We digress: Here’s what Nexon is actually working on.
Project HP is now being described as “a hand-to-hand PvP (PvP) action genre PC game in which more than 30 users fight at close range against the backdrop of a detailed fantasy medieval battlefield.” An alpha test in Korea with two 16v16 “casual” PvP modes is apparently underway as of today. Yes, it’s still flagged as a tentative title for the game.
Project ER is without question an MMORPG with plenty of PvP in store. Nexon considers this one of its more ambitious flagship titles, with accessible siege warfare as well as 24-hour PvP with a collision system and a “one-channel seamless world.”
Project Magnum is multi-platform third-person RPG online looter shooter.
Overkill is a “3-D action RPG that succeeded and developed Nexon’s super IP Dungeon & Fighter,” the studio says, calling it a “new attempt […] that overcomes various limitations that could not be realized in 2-D.”
Mabinogi Mobile is a mobile version of the classic MMO being built by the original creator of Mabinogi. “We plan to present a new fantasy world by adding stories, new characters, events, and adventures that were not yet possible in the original,” Nexon says.
Project Mod is described as a “next-generation play space,” a “content-making platform,” and a “metaverse project where anyone, at any time, can freely create the content of their dreams.”
There are a few other games of note, including KartRider Drift, Talesweaver Mobile, and Project SF2, plus three that just have pics and code names: Project P2, Project P3, and Project DR – they look like mobile titles to us, but perhaps you’ll disagree.