Bethesda will be hosting the digital QuakeCon 2021 event on its Twitch channel next week, and fans of The Elder Scrolls Online are apparently going to want to tune in to the event, as there’s promise of some details, reveals, and more slated for the MMORPG’s portion of the show.
ZeniMax Online studio head Matt Firor, creative director Rich Lambert, and community managers Gina Bruno and Jessica Folsom will be offering a presentation that talks about the recently released Console Enhanced update, the incoming Waking Flame DLC, and the variety of ways the MMORPG can be played. Perhaps of most interest, however, is a promise of “a peek at what is on the horizon” for the game and “a brand-new promotion that’ll be music to [players’] ears.”
The ESO portion of QuakeCon is set to premiere at 3:30 p.m. EDT on Thursday, August 19th, so players may want to mark their calendars if they want to see whatever is coming next.