So, Atlas fans, what do you want from the next major patch? Small clan support? Well, that’s not in there. Major bug fixes? Uh… well, hopefully. Better ship customization? Improvements to the core gameplay loop? More player customization? Well…
Look, let’s start this post over. Hello, Atlas fans! What you’re getting in the next patch are houseplants. Hopefully you really like houseplants to make your settlements feel a bit more lively. If not, well, maybe the sight of a nice houseplant will make you feel differently.
It’s not all houseplants, of course. Players will also be able to ride giant spiders, which is both definitely a very pirate thing to do and exactly what players have been clamoring to get maybe. You can check out the brief preview of the next patch on the official site, although it’s a little bit thin. Feel sad about it or like it doesn’t address core gameplay issues? Maybe you can talk about that with your houseplant.