Earlier this year, Broadsword’s classic MMO Dark Age of Camelot struck gold with its Catch Up in Caledonia event, which essentially helped players level quickly through the game’s PvE to get to its more popular three-way RvR endgame. This past spring, the studio said the event drew “thousands” of characters, enough to justify running the event again in May – and now, again starting next week.
“The event starts precisely at 3 PM EST / 9 PM CET on Monday, August 30th and will end at the same time on Monday, September 6th. […] It’s a way to start fresh and rapidly progress to the end-game with players around your level! The 7-day long event that will take place entirely in the Realm vs Realm-enabled Caledonia battleground zone. Players will start at level 1 and rapidly progress to level 50 all while earning gear, master levels, champion levels, and realm ranks along the way! By event’s end participants will be ready to compete in the Frontier!”
Definitely take a stroll through the patch notes as there are a few caveats, and you’ll need to get in there before September 3rd before new characters are locked out. The team has made a few changes this round as well to ensure that one realm doesn’t fall too far behind.