Blizzard giveth, and Blizzard taketh away. In this case, the studio is giving fresh start Classic servers while taking several character joke and flirt soundbites out of the game.
The first week for WoW Classic’s “Season of Mastery” beta kicked off yesterday with a level cap of 30 and a buff to quest XP gain. The studio said that it will be testing other areas in future weeks, such as buff limits, raid boss health and mechanics, the end of world buffs for instances, nerfs to character boosting, and the conversion of meeting stones to summoning stones.
However, in retail WoW, Blizzard is continuing its odd campaign of cleaning up anything in the game even possibly suggestive or offensive. In this case, it’s putting an end to a slew of vocal emotes that took place when players used the joke or flirt emotes. Wowhead has a summary of the specific emotes that are being changed, so you can check out that list to pay your respects.