The newest weekly video out of Star Citizen is once again an all sprint report episode, which runs through several smaller progress reports and previews in one bulletin. This time, it’s primarily about new spaceships, with various previews of the Drake Corsair, the ARGO SRV, and the Banu Merchantman, all of which are in various stages of greybox.
In addition to the ship previews, the video provided a first look at salvage , specifically the turret that will scrape hull material and store it in a ship’s inventory. Previews included a look at the HUD and word on some new gimbal physics, which could allow for lighter gimbaled weapons to move faster and the removal of size restrictions on gimbals.
Finally, the video closed with a short preview of something that’s planned for the upcoming CitizenCon: a new Cards UI that adds to CIG’s Building Blocks UI tech, allowing for some more diegetic UI elements like warning signs and new shop navigation features. It’s all available for viewing below.