Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been having a lovely time in New World collecting tokens for the Springtide Bloom event because you really want parts of the Beekeeper set or the Springtide Ruffles set. Why can’t you just purchase one or the other instead of the whole thing? If it’s never happened to you – which would make sense, as this is a pretty recent event – it definitely won’t happen to you ever again after last night’s/this morning’s patch, which splits the apparel sets into different purchases along with increasing the number of coin bags you can get per day.
That’s hardly the only change with the latest patch. The world economy is being tweaked as well, for example; open world chests will have decreased chances to drop Flame Cores, for example, but the craft using Flame Cores now requires fewer than before as well. There are also new guards to get the Intact Spear Haft from during the “A Spear to Pierce the Heavens” quest and other adjustments. Check out the full patch notes to get a sense of everything that’s changed.