As we wait for more info on Wayfinder’s early access release, Airship Syndicate is filling the days explaining just what it learned from the last beta – and what it needs to tackle before launch. Among the takeaways? The studio is tweaking sliding movement, fixing targeting issues, improving defensive skills (like interrupts), smoothing out progression, allowing more customization of skill choice, buffing longer-term progression, simplifying echoes, and making enemies more variable. But perhaps the most interesting to MMO players will be the plan to address social systems.
“At its heart, Wayfinder is a social game,” Airship explains. “We heard a lot about the limitations to in-game chat and we’re implementing a series of quality of life improvements to our entire chat system.
“First and foremost, you’ll be placed in your region’s chat by default so you can better coordinate a Lost Zone expedition or just compliment someone on their dye choice. Global chat will still be there, but won’t be what everyone sees upon logging in. We also are enabling localized chats. This means that if the system detects your language as Brazilian Portuguese, you’ll be in with other players who speak that language. You can also opt into a language if it’s not selected by default. We’ve also improved our spam detection across the board, and yes– you’ll be able to resize the chat window so you can see the memes easier.”
And the team is allowing duos to tackle three-person challenges (at their peril!).