“If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class,” so sayeth the meme, and that appears to be the case for Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games, which is looking at a fine of £150 or about $190 US because its 2022 financial report wasn’t filed on time.
The barely felt slap on CIG’s wrist was first spotted by fellow blogger The Nosy Gamer, who discovered that the UK’s Companies House did not receive CIG’s required paperwork ahead of the December 31st, 2023 deadline. He also notes that this isn’t the first time that CIG was late in its required filing, as its 2021 financial report was also behind, as well as the fact that 2022’s report was similarly late to be posted on its own website.
“Given the scale of operations, the late fee is change found between the couch’s cushions for CIG,” he notes in the report. “Still, what is going on at CIG? […] I suppose given Roberts’ history, filing financial returns late isn’t surprising. And yet I was surprised. Go figure.”