It’s roundup day for Star Citizen fans, as CIG has put out its latest roadmap update outline and January development report for fans to scour. Or better yet you could just let us scour it for you and point out some highlights.
The roadmap is naturally zeroed in on alpha 3.23, which is currently targeting a release sometime in April. A sizeable list of features have been moved to the build’s release view, meaning there’s a high likelihood of alpha 3.23 seeing things like freight elevators and distribution centers, instanced personal hangars, multiple UI updates, spaceship master modes, new character customization, and updates to EVA. CIG also is looking to get updates to the game’s replication layer tech into alpha 3.23 as well, but that sounds far more nebulous as fans are asked to keep tabs on the forums and the tech preview channel.
As for the January dev report, that called attention to multiple AI updates that are planned for 3.23, progress on several unannounced ships and ship variants, a reorganization of several teams including moving devs from Squadron 42 work to the persistent universe, and progress on updates to the Siege of Orison event and the new Blockade Runner event.