Yesterday, when we covered EG7’s Q4 2023 financials, we highlighted the company’s disclosure that Daybreak had sold a “noncore IP” for $5.9M, a move that would supposedly improve the company’s “liquidity” after a weak holiday quarter. EG7 didn’t say which “noncore IP” it was, but the rumor mill immediately began churning, especially over on the PlanetSide 2 subreddit, where panicked players advanced the idea that the game was clearly on the chopping block.
As of yesterday, however, it was just a rumor, and now it’s more, as players have dug up a reference in the US Copyright Office database that suggest PlanetSide’s IP has indeed been sold off. The filings include reference to PlanetSide, PlanetSide core combat, PlanetSide 2, PlanetSide Aftershock, and PlanetSide Arena, transferred from Daybreak Game Company to Bay Tree Tower Limited on January 24th of this year. We don’t know what exactly Bay Tree Tower is, although there does exist a private equity company called Bay Tree that may be related.
Of course, Daybreak hasn’t commented on it at all, and EG7 didn’t disclose the IP in its release yesterday, so we have no idea what it means for Daybreak’s very much still alive PlanetSide 2 and the team working on the game nestled under Rogue Planet Games. It’s certainly possible that Daybreak could sell the IP and retain a license to continue operating PlanetSide 2, and it’s just as possible that it’s sold everything. At this point, we’re just waiting to see what happens next – and hope it’s not the same thing that already happened to the DC Universe Online team last week – all as game updates apparently proceed as planned.