Warframe releases to iOS devices today, complete with cross-play and cross-platform save features


Today is the day when Warframe makes a big leap on to a smaller screen, as the action multiplayer looter shooter is now available to iOS devices across the globe – and it’s even letting players enjoy the game cross-platform and bring their characters with them to the mobile edition.

As we covered during last year’s TennoCon event, Warframe’s mobile edition will bring cross-platform play to iOS gamers and will allow existing fans of the game to use existing cross-platform save functionality to take their Tenno with them on the go.

The mobile release is being celebrated with free goodies for those who login to the game today, along with a special weapon pack for sale and a quick little trailer. As for the Android version, Digital Extremes is inviting interested fans to pre-register for the platform in order to be alerted to its launch.

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