As a space trucker myself, I can tell you having the ability to have my own hangar definitely appeals to me, so the newest video digest all about the feature’s arrival to Star Citizen certainly had my attention, and it likely will for other interstellar cargo haulers out there as well.
As the name suggests, persistent hangars are instanced locations that are automatically assigned to whatever planet players call home, while access to the hangar can be done via landing request to ATC. These hangars can be personalized with decorations and items, and players can also invite their friends to their hangar to hang out or take flight in owned ships that can also be summoned to these hangars.
Another major feature of the persistent hangar is the new freight elevator, which will allow players to bring up owned items or cargo boxes of varying sizes, which in turn allows players to either manually load and unload delivery items, or they can take advantage of automatic loading and unloading (for a fee).
CIG tries to frame these features for those who aren’t into space trucking as well, stating that the new inventory functionality within persistent hangars have wide-reaching implications for inventory across the sandbox. Whether you are into space logistics or not, fans are welcome to look at the video in full after the break.