Ankama launches DOFUS Touch on mobile as Waven adds new chapters and Wakfu rolls back a server


Ankama’s MMOs have been busy this week: To start with, the French company has launched – actually, relaunched – DOFUS Touch on mobile, both iOS and Android.

“Originally launched in 2016, the mobile MMORPG DOFUS Touch is now available with a brand-new English server, expanded early-game experience, and freshly polished UI,” Ankama says. “Players will explore the World of Twelve to unravel its many mysteries linked to powerful dragon eggs called Dofus.” The press release promises 15 playable characters, more than 10000 maps, 70 dungeons, turn-based cooperative combat, and a free-to-play business model with cosmetics and conveniences on sale.

Worth noting is that Ankama says 2004 MMO Dofus itself is “still going strong in France and worldwide” while Wakfu is “very popular in France and Europe.” No hard numbers here, however.

Speaking of Wakfu, Ankama told players earlier this week that a “critical problem on the Ogrest server” had necessitated an emergency rollback and promised compensation.

And then there’s the early access Waven, which just launched version 0.16; it includes a sneak peek Krosmic Mode, chapter 3 and 4 of the game’s current season (3 starts April 9th, 4 starts May 7th), and a range of balancing tweaks and bug fixes.

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