The countdown is on: At 6 p.m. EDT tonight, the gates of Cataclysm will be thrown open for World of Warcraft Classic fans – whether they’re eager for it or not.
If you’re a longtime WoW fan, you already know the drill here; Cataclysm represented a sweeping overhaul of almost the entire WoW world as it stood back in 2010. The tweaked version for WoW Classic includes the level cap bump to 85, five new leveling zones in addition to the revamped ones, nine new and updated dungeons, four raids, two battlegrounds, crafting extensions, and of course, flying in the old landmasses. It’s all a little surreal to be covering this stuff as new again when I remember covering it when it was new the first time, but here we are!
Meanwhile, over in WoW Retail, Blizzard is busy shoring up last week’s Pandaria Remix, with tuning adjustments today focused on nerfing enemy power scaling, boosting gear drop rates, retooling caches, and boosting boss experience.
“Timerunners, We hear you!” the studio tweeted this afternoon. “The team is currently focused on making level 70 gameplay more rewarding. More details to come soon.”
Finally, it’s worth noting that the company posted up a new short story today… penned by Christie Golden, who was laid off from Blizzard earlier this year.
The new Cataclysm trailer is below.