Bellwright’s first content update adds new forestry building and village management improvements


Bellwright has mostly been focusing on bug fixing since its April early access release, but now it looks as if developer Donkey Crew is confident enough in the multiplayer survivalbox’s stability to dish out a new content update.

The new Forestry Update, as the patch name implies, adds a new forestry village building that gives players a sustainable source of wood in their current settlement as opposed to forcing workers deeper and deeper into the world to find forests. The update also features a new staging ground that lets companions automatically stock up on supplies before venturing out, while existing village buildings like the bakery, windmill, thresher, and inn have gotten tweaked to make them work better.

In addition to the new and updated buildings, several settlement mechanics have been changed with the patch, including the end of profession requirements for villagers to use crafting buildings, a longer period of time before food spoils, better pathfinding for player units, and a host of bug fixes. Complete details await in the patch notes.

source: Steam
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