World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas and Morgan Day talk about raid difficulty and defensive balance

Please look forward to it. Or don't. Whatever.

The time-honored practice of World of Warcraft releasing a new raid tuned to challenge people racing to clear it first and then steadily making it easier over time persisted into Dragonflight, but did it stay in place too long? That’s one of the big questions posed by the new Wowhead interview with game director Ion Hazzikostas and associate game director Morgan Day, which spills a lot of visual ink on the correct tuning level for raiding and Mythic+ affixes. It’s not just about high-end progression gameplay, though, as the interview also does note that Augmentation Evoker was less of the game’s first support spec and more returning something that had been systematically excised:

I think overall, we remain happy with the experiment of trying to reintroduce a very support style damage dealer in the vein of what Shadow Priest or Enhancement or Ret were in WoW 15+ years ago where a huge portion of your contribution was just amping the capabilities of the people around you as opposed to doing the damage directly yourself.

The interview also touches on Hero Talents, for example, which are specifically meant to be additive rather than multiplicative. “So we want to be careful not to do too much there that will make it feel like I am a Herald of the Light Paladin, I’m not a Ret Paladin,” says Day. There’s also talk about melee and casting ranges as well as visual clarity. You can check out all the answers in the full interview, although the answers are definitely more focused on the progression side of the pool.

Source: Wowhead
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