The month of October is going to be bringing a whole lot to the playerbase of Warframe, as Digital Extremes’ developer livestream from the Tokyo Game Show floor unveiled major details and dates for the multiplayer looter shooter.
First, the game’s next update Koumei and the Five Fates has nailed down a launch date of Wednesday, October 2nd. The patch will naturally highlight the new Frame Koumei, who is described by the devs as the first character with RNG and luck-based abilities. Most of her ability effects depend on how well dice rolls for the character go, but mercifully it appears that none of her abilities actively harm her if the rolls don’t go her way, as they instead determine what status effects targets suffer or the number of benefits Koumei receives.
As for getting Koumei, that’s done by completing a new Shrine Defense mission to earn fate points and thereby assemble the Frame. This mission is described as friendly to new players but still suitable for vets who are following the Steel Path difficulty mode.
The Frame-specific updates don’t stop at adding Koumei, as the patch will also feature an “extensive” rework of Caliban, improvements to Wukong and Hildryn, a “lite” rework of Nova, and new skins for Caliban, Raijin, and Aozakura. On the wider gameplay side of things, the patch will let players log in to the game with their Steam details, add more cross-platform trading, and make some updates to the tutorial.
After all of that Koumei-centric content, players will then be able to get themselves ready for Warframe: 1999 when the demo debuts on Wednesday, October 16th, accessible from within the Orbiter ship. The demo does sound extremely short, letting players take up the role of Arthur and battle some foes, but doing so will grant players a longsword skin. Players will still have to wait until sometime this winter for all of 1999’s content, but the stream closed with a look at another new frame that will be playable: Cyte-09, a sniper character.