The irony of going on lengthy adventures to exotic settings in MMOs is that your character usually doesn’t bring a smartphone to take pictures of these discoveries. So did they actually happen? Or is the player him or herself a floating phone documenting the trip?
As you ponder that, take in Greaterdivinity’s stellar shot: “Getting the latest legendary starter kit in Guild Wars 2’s Wizards Vault gives you access to the Mists Vault, and an NPC inside gives you a key letting you return at any point. I wish we could move our homestead here, as this place is radical.”
Stepping back one game in the franchise, Ocho took this picture of a Guild Wars 1 desert sand worm and lived to share the tale. I wonder what it eats when it can’t snag a player. Delivery?
“This week, cats are out and bunnies are in!” declares Vincent, striking a pose in Final Fantasy XIV that seems to have confused and befuddled this little hare. Maybe it’s thinking that the gunblade looks a little like a metal carrot and should be tasted.
A few weeks ago, Zulika Mi-Nam was on hand in Throne and Liberty to document the chaos of a popular launch. This is what happens when your fantasy towns don’t have traffic lights!
And finally, here’s a nighttime desert picture that I wanted to bring to you from Lord of the Rings Online’s newest expansion. I am so far from the Shire right now — and I just remembered that I left the stove on.
It’s December time, which means that we’re growing closer and closer to our One Shot awards! So continue to post your best and most interesting pictures from your MMO sessions for my stern approval!