TERA Console begins its quest to lower mid and low-level dungeon difficulty in latest patch


For many PvE MMORPGs, dungeon running is a part of the experience, but if that experience is too frustrating and difficult to manage (especially with a PUG), then it can really sour the whole deal. TERA Console is attempting to ease that slope for some of its earlier dungeons, starting with its most recent patch.

Some of these related dungeon tweaks include lower HP and attack speed for bosses in Stormed Citadel, a slightly increased duration for barriers that negate the breath attacks of a boss in Kelsaik’s Raid, and some drastic HP reductions for bosses in Kalivan’s Dreadnaught, Red Refuge, and Thaumetal Refinery.

Other tweaks for encounters include extra effects for matchmaking in one-star to four-star dungeons such as more drops and party-wide buffs based on class and significantly larger reaction icons for NPC behaviors,

“We believe that high difficulty is intended for top-level dungeons and does not need to be adjusted, but the difficulty of mid-level and lower-level dungeons is also high, making it difficult to play with matchmaking,” Bluehole explains. “We are planning to gradually lower the difficulty of dungeons at mid-level and lower levels and reward and rearrange dungeons. However, we don’t expect to be able to handle the issues that will arise in the game if we do this all at once, so we’ll be making changes gradually with each update.”

The patch has also opened up the Killing Grounds five-player dungeon, added new drops for several existing encounters, and tweaked enchantment success percentages for Kaia’s Fury gear. The patch notes provide all of the specific details.

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