EverQuest II tosses eight new raids in to the mix while unlocking two progression server expansions


Any old MMORPG can pump out an expansion and make a big deal out of it, but what about more than one in a single day? Leave that up to EverQuest II, which is unlocking expansions on two of its time-locked progression servers and opening up more raids on its live realms.

The relatively new Anashti Sul server got the MMO’s first expansion, Desert of Flames, on Monday, while the Varsoon shard now is enjoying Chains of Eternity. Anashti Sul also saw the return of the PvP arena with bouts between two teams of six players each.

But if you’re on the main servers, you’re not left out of the fun. The most recent expansion, Scars of Destruction, opened up eight (!) new raids this week in Blackhook Spiral, Western Wastes, Kael Drakkel, Temple of Veeshan, and Sodden Archipelago.

Source: EverQuest II, 2, 3
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