We’re finally getting a look at Dungeons and Dragons Online’s 2025 outlook as of this afternoon, as Standing Stone Games producer Amanda “Tolero” Grow has posted the official – and long-awaited – roadmap.
For starters, the success of DDO’s 64-bit Cormyr server has emboldened SSG to do what it’s doing for Lord of the Rings Online: It’s planning to open all-new 64-bit servers and kick off a similar great migration with free transfers from the old servers. There are no dates or other details yet, but we assume it’ll be after the LOTRO transition is done.
Second, the team has given the first tease of a new expansion coming in the middle of the year.
“This summer we’re headed to Ravenloft with a new expansion set in Lamordia! Lamordia features the distinct ‘Victorian’ style horror theme Ravenloft is famous for and introduces a new playable character race called the Dhampir, who are poised between the worlds of the living and the dead. Story-wise, players will discover who has been working to free Dark Lords from their Ravenloft domains and why. Dark Lords breaking loose is a big problem! We know our players are no strangers to extra-planar threats, and are up to the task.”
The team also talks up new progressive-unlock dungeons coming this spring, new VIP rewards, the anniversary freebie archetype, the Monk revamp folks are so salty about, and a fresh hardcore event for all servers in Q4 (sounds Fey-themed).