DC Universe Online’s latest Day of Reckoning chapter, Aftershock, arrives with cross-faction leagues


The Day of Reckoning saga continues to play out in DC Universe Online, as the superhero MMO patches in Aftershock today.

“Prepare for the arrival of Neron as the newest open world boss in Kaznia City. Face Elite Plus versions of Day of Reckoning’s alert and raids, score new feats, collect the supernatural Hellblazer Aura through the new Exorcism kit collection, and more,” studio Daybreak says.

Daybreak further told players that it has updated DCUO’s phase management system so that the users “will experience smoother and more efficient phasing when entering busy regions.” Also with this patch, heroes and villains can join the same leagues, which is a pretty significant change to the formerly delineated factions.

Source: DCUO
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