This past weekend’s developer livestream from Star Citizen probably makes up for the weirdness being shoveled out by CIG last week, particularly as it has some more substantive looks at AI developments instead of… well, whatever crack-addled hell was happening in that “commercial” previously.
The livestream was effectively an “AI sprint report” as it granted several in-engine demonstrations of NPCs doing NPC things like reacting appropriately to a passing ship, pushing a trolley to an elevator and opening it accurately, moving through crawlspaces, firing weapons more accurately as a fight goes on, and reacting to different box sizes more appropriately.
The livestream also provided a look at AI pathing that lets NPCs consider safer routes or faster ones, which could change when AI personality (aka subsumption) is implemented; a given example is that a more reckless NPC would run through certain levels of danger, or an NPC wearing the right hazard suit would lead them to move through otherwise “impassible” areas.
There are a lot more previews on offer, so followers might want to either take in the full video below or get a four minute-long rundown from our favorite SC YouTuber below that.