We can likely count on one hand the number of times a game development studio’s CEO has decided to livestream gameplay footage, but that number has risen by precisely one as Digital Extremes’ CEO Steve Sinclair decided to go live on Twitch over the weekend with some pre-alpha gameplay of Soulframe.
The footage is from the most recent build of the action multiplayer game possible, which Sinclair noted already has a crafting-related bug that was found by testers. He also once more reiterates that it’s “very early days” for the title while acknowledging how many gamers are excited to get their hands on it. “I wanted to kind of jump on and show you the game,” he explains at one point. “It’s just a bit too early and we’re running it on a hamster – a little pre-teen hamster – and just kind of wanted to show you a little bit of this.”
The video otherwise provides the latest peek at the title in action without too much pomp and circumstance, as Sinclair battles enemies, pets the dog, and shows off some of the character upgrading and progression menus, though at least one such system isn’t functional yet. He also reiterates how the open world isn’t procedurally generated but its dungeons are. If you’ve got about an hour of time and a deep curiosity for this upcoming game, you can watch the full VOD below the break.