Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Make My MMO: The vanishing of Seconds from Silence

Remember this past summer when we covered the emergence of Abstract Era's new sandbox MMO Seconds from Silence? At the time, we expressed a...

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Past Fate, Rulers of the Sea, Legend of Mir Eternal, Dragon Raja, Fantasy Earth Genesis

Welcome back to another roundup of MMOs and MMO-adjacent games you've (probably) never heard of - or have totally forgotten about until now! First up:...
Fracking! Yes? No.

Betawatch: Fractured is working a test server for the weekend

Is everybody working for the weekend? Well, Factured is. Although the game itself isn't so much working as it is holding a closed test server. But...

Creature survival sandbox Day of Dragons flaps its way into early access

Have you ever found yourself the khaleesi of an exotic nation and, somehow, misplaced your dragons? You could throw beautiful temper tantrums about it...

Star Citizen takes a closer look at wormhole creation and the planet microTech

CitizenCon had a number of reveals for Star Citizen players, but not many of them were quite as dramatic as the trip into a...

Temtem announces an early access launch on PC January 21

The massively multiplayer critter collector Temtem is taking its next big step forward with the reveal of an early access launch, as Crema Games...

Dual Universe’s roadmap dates beta for summer 2020, release in 2021, and outlines post-release content

So, yes, summer 2020 seems like a long way away, but we're also literally weeks away from the new year, so the new stuff...

The Repopulation’s new tutorial area is expected to arrive with December’s patch

Getting started in a sandbox like The Repopulation always seems to be the hardest landing to stick. I should know; I've played more than...
Sitting around.

Crowfall’s J. Todd Coleman looks back at past progress and ahead to 2020 milestones

As we close out 2019, we all tend to get the urge to look back at past accomplishments and feel proud, even if they...

Frolic in Fractured’s alpha public stress test this weekend

If Fractured had a theme song right now (which it probably does but ignore that right now), it's got to be Simple Minds' Don't...

Riot promises to balance Legends of Runeterra to make all competitive formats fair

The downright Sisyphean task of balancing competitive CCG gameplay has begun for Riot's Legends of Runeterra, but game designer Steve Rubin promises that the...

Stay Out is a free-to-play early access MMO shooter in the vein of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

The world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a brutal and dangerous place thanks to a terrible disaster, forcing players to use firepower and wits to survive. The...

Blizzard promises ‘deep and rewarding’ itemization in Diablo IV

When you dive through the gates of Hell once more for Diablo IV, you are not going to find the same-old itemization system that...

BBC tech program Click promises investigation into Star Citizen’s delays

No matter what sorts of progress the alpha builds of Star Citizen make, there's always going to be a question of when the...

Massively Uplifting: MMO fundraisers, GW2 raid class, and saving trees and cats

Being grateful isn't relegated to just one month, but November is when many people -and gamers - double-down on the things they are thankful...
Mobile spreadsheets.

EVE Echoes launches its open beta on mobile devices

It's time to keep a little piece of cutthroat space politics in your pocket wherever you go, as the open beta for EVE Echoes...

Star Citizen’s $1700 Kraken Privateer mobile space mall drives fundraising past $250M

Remember during our Star Citizen interview when we went wink-wink about a commerce-based announcement? That announcement has been fully realized with the Kraken Privateer. While...

Starbase outlines mining and economy updates in the weekly progress notes

When it comes to sandbox games, especially ones with internet spaceships, becoming a titan of industry tends to be my go-to activity. If you're...

Learn how to play Project Gorgon with this community video series

You have listened to us fawn over the unique spirit -- and mechanics! -- of Project Gorgon here on MOP, but chances are if...

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen offers a look at class resource bars

When is a resource bar more than a resource bar? When it gives you a sneak peek at what a class is capable of....