How Crowfall deals with changes to player purchases
What do you do when you've already sold something that hasn't been fully built yet -- and might need to be changed from its...
Make My MMO: May 16, 2015
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Gloria Victis developer Black Eye Games let us know that it's in "the home stretch" in terms of...
See two of Overwatch’s superheroes in action
Which Overwatch character are you going to pick when you get into the beta? That's a hard call to make before you can actually...
Test fly Star Citizen’s Aurora and Mustang for free this week
If you're like me, you bought into Star Citizen way back in 2012 and you haven't dropped a dime since. Don't get me wrong...
Betawatch: May 15th, 2015
I'm not going to lie to you, dear readers: I don't care much about Star Citizen. I am aware, though, that the actual big news...
Camelot Unchained’s Friday update talks blowing stuff up
Mark Jacobs has posted Camelot Unchained's traditional Friday update. In it, he thanks a couple of backers for their gifts to the team, and...
Here’s a look at the latest Black Desert open world boss battle
Want to see the newest Black Desert boss battle? Head to Steparu's site, as he's got video clips and screenshots of the new creature that...
Gloria Victis prepares to pull the trigger on Unity 5
Those anticipating Gloria Victis' glorious transformation into the new Unity 5 game engine won't have long to wait at all. Black Eye Games said...
Das Tal demos skill-based combat and posts Kickstarter FAQ
What does skill-based combat mean to you? We can't tell you that, but we can tell you what it means to the makers of...
Skyforge dares you to beat its anomalies
One thing is for certain: When it releases, Skyforge will not be lacking in its variety of content. Today, the dev team posted a...
Survarium reverses its disastrous server merge
Even though they may be feared, server merges are a fact of life in many MMOs. One such merge came this past April in...
EverQuesting: Life after Landmark’s big wipe
It was just over a week ago that Landmark's servers went offline in preparation for a major upheaval that affected nearly every system in...
The Repopulation adds diplomacy minigame with new patch
Wait, there are other ways to resolve conflict with in-game NPCs than to stab large holes in their torsos? The Repopulation seems to think...
Rodinia War melds strategy and fantasy action
What flavors go well together? Peanut butter and chocolate, obviously. Sarcasm and stand-up comedians. Mario and mushrooms. And now, apparently, builder games and MMORPGs.
Heroes of the Storm devs talk Kael’Thas and character design
Wondering how Blizzard's developers choose from the studio's incredible roster of characters and then crafted those selections into Heroes of the Storm's champions? Then...
Forsaken World Mobile will include five classes
When it launches, Forsaken World Mobile will come out of the gate strong with five classes from which to choose. According to the list...
Crowfall backers can now gift a copy to a friend
If you have too much money burning a hole in your pocket and a good friend who didn't get on board with the Crowfall...
Trove patches in the Golden Thread, now patches out the bugs
The most recent Trove patch added in the Golden Thread, which is pretty great for everyone playing the game. For the new player, it...
Lineage Eternal will hold a small beta test next month
For a game that was hyped to heck and back with its announcement, you would think that Lineage Eternal would get more time in...
EVE Online’s Matt Woodward defects to Albion Online
EVE Online is less one developer today and Albion Online is richer by one, as Matt Woodward has jumped ship to work on the...