aeria games

Aeria Games is an online game publisher owned by ProSiebenSat.1 Media and based in Germany. It is known for MMOs like Echo of Soul, Eden Eternal, and Scarlet Blade.

End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO stories of 2021

As the year that was 2021 comes to a close -- raise a glass, give a toast, and perhaps think of a few fond...

Aura Kingdom’s Sky Tower expands to include four new dungeons

Hope you're not scared of heights, because Aura Kingdom is about to whisk you up to the stratosphere as it continues its questionable policy...

Grab an Aura Kingdom Tanuki Mount key courtesy of Gamigo and MOP

It's been a while since we checked in on Gamigo's Aura Kingdom, a cozy, cutesy MMORPG now under the Gamigo banner. The MMO is...

Diablo-like MMO Cronous is closing down this summer

It seems kind of sad that the very first time we mention an MMO on this site is to tell you that it's shutting...

Vague Patch Notes: MMO sunsets and the myth of meritocracy

A few weeks back, I talked about why a given MMO might have failed even when it possessed good qualities. It was a response...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 311: The day the MMOs died

Justin and Bree discuss Anthem Next's demise, Defiance and Gamigo's MMO purge, DDO's big news, Black Desert's free-play, Riot's MMO, and mobile Warcraft, with adventures in LOTRO, City of Heroes, WoW Classic, and Elder Scrolls Online, plus mailbag topics on post subs, Valheim, and MMOs as they used to be.

Massively Uplifting: Love and generosity in Sea of Thieves, Guild Wars 2, SOTA, and more

February is often known as the commercialized month of love (Happy Hallmark Day!), but that doesn't mean there wasn't genuine love abounding throughout the...
Smoke on the water

Leaderboard: So, is RIFT next?

Gamigo, which just bought the studio behind Wizard101 and Pirate101, cleaned house yesterday, purging multiple MMORPGs that it acquired during its past acquisitions of...

Eden Eternal becomes the third MMORPG Gamigo killed off today

Right about now, a whole bunch of Gamigo MMORPGs are wishing they had to deal with only server merges. That's because Gamigo's now axed...

Gamigo is sunsetting Twin Saga in April, saying it could ‘no longer sustain itself’

Twin Saga wasn't the biggest MMO in town, but it's probably one of the cutest, so we're sad to report today that Gamigo has...

Snag an Echo of Soul loot-hoovering Blue Ciskai minipet in honor of The Blue update

Echo of Soul made headlines in 2020 for its brief-lived Steam Blue version, which folded back into the version that Gamigo has been faithfully...

Massively Uplifting: 2021 begins with Trove’s trees, Warframe’s Tennobaum, and Star Trek Online’s Tribbles for charity

Ready or not, here 2021 comes! And that's a relief to many. It's no stretch to say that we want 2021 to be a...

Neowiz is re-releasing AVA: Alliance of Valiant Arms on Steam March 31

Here's one we haven't heard from in a while, so let's review. Alliance of Valiant Arms (AVA) is a team-based multiplayer FPS that's been...

The MMO Cartographer: In the Echo of Echo of Soul

How much would you pay to play a game that has been shut down as a free-to-play game and then re-released as a buy-to-play...
Big energy.

Gamigo throws a 20th anniversary bash in all of its MMOs

Have you ever attended a birthday party that was thrown by the birthday boy or girl in question? It's a curious exercise in ego...

Echo of Soul is sunsetting yet again, this time on Steam, and no it’s not giving refunds

We return now to the confusing story of Echo of Soul, which as we've previously chronicled has at least a million versions and has...

Grab an Echo of Soul Phoenix Bronze Griffon and beginner’s pack key from Gamigo and MOP

Echo of Soul has been in and out of the news this summer following the release of another new version in Southeast Asia, but...

Echo of Soul is getting a new version that will come to the West via Gamigo

This news will either signal an exciting bit of new MMORPG gaming or strike very familiar, depending on whom you ask. In any event,...
Take that, Sea of Thieves!

Twin Saga updates for spring with a pirate invasion of Alfenheim

It turns out that pirates can kinda be jerks sometimes. The newest storyline in Twin Saga is all about how a bunch of pirates...

Echo of Soul is on sale for less than a dollar on Steam until January 20

Attention bargain hunters: A blue light special that can very likely be seen from space is now on for the early access MMO Echo...