
Official Site: Astroneer
Studio: System Era

Astroneer’s latest roadmap heralds 2024 as the Year of the Glitch with an upcoming expansion

Next year is fixing to be a pretty significant one for Astroneer if the 2024 roadmap shared by System Era is anything to go...

The Stream Team: Astroneer’s Project C.H.E.E.R. to end the year

For her last stream of the 2023 year, Massively OP's MJ plans to go out with a bang! She will participate in some Astroneer...
treasure hunting is one step from lockboxes

The Soapbox: The ‘problem’ with MMO hoarding

I remember a number of years ago, in an article for a game I can't recall, an MMO developer discussed how an early build...
Ho to the HO to the H2O

Astroneer brings back Project C.H.E.E.R. for Christmas, promises new roadmap in 2024

It's been a weird year for Astroneer, but the latest update to the game contains some good news for the studio and the game's...

Devolver Digital just snapped up Astroneer studio System Era for a cool $40M-ish

Astroneer studio System Era Softworks is making a big move: The company announced today that it's been acquired by Devolver Digital. The move will...

The Stream Team: Halloween in Astroneer

The award for the most pumpkin-tastic event for Halloween goes to Astroneer! It may be a simple event of gathering and growing sturdysquash, but...

Astroneer’s fall event has players farming up sturdysquash in spaaaaace

It's three great tastes that taste great together: It's space sandboxes, it's farming, and its a Falloween event. Yep, Astroneer's traditional fall event is...
Does this remind you of anything?

Massively OP Podcast Episode 431: FFXIV Dawntrail and Path of Exile 2

Justin, Eliot, MJ, and Chris discuss Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail at Fanfest and Path of Exile and Path of Exile 2 at ExileCon, with adventures in Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, FFXIV, AdventureQuest 3D, Astroneer, and Craftopia.

The Stream Team: Checking out Astroneer’s custom game mode

The adorable fun of Astroneer with custom game modes? Heck yeah! Massively OP's MJ is pretty excited about the recent big update that introduced...

Multiplayer space sandbox Astroneer introduces custom game mode tools

As of Astroneer's update last week, players can finally build their own games just the way they want, thanks to the new custom games...

The MOP Up: Guild Wars 2 reworks its Gyala Delve meta-event

Guild Wars 2 pushed out a patch last week that adjusted how the Gyala Delve meta-event functions and doles out rewards. Part of this...

The Stream Team: Happy 4th birthday, Astroneer

While Astroneer came out in early access on Steam in December of 2016, its official launch anniversary is today. Of course, Massively OP's MJ...

Astroneer’s Awakening update introduces a mysterious new mission chain and UI improvements

What awaits in the center of the solar system in Astroneer? Science would tell you it's a sun, but a newly added mission chain...

The Stream Team: Astroneer is full of Christmas Project C.H.E.E.R.

What's a good way to spend Christmas Eve? For Massively OP's MJ, the answer is: in Astroneer! Not only is the game adorable, but...

Astroneer brings back its toy-delivering Project CHEER holiday event in latest patch

The holidays are arriving to the space-based survivalbox of Astroneer once again as this week's patch has re-launched the Project CHEER event for another...

The Stream Team: Something mysterious in Astroneer

What's that?! There's something mysterious going on in Astroneer, and Massively OP's MJ wants to get to the bottom of it! She's donning her...

Astroneer is getting a graphic novel next year with pre-orders available now

MMOs getting comics and graphic novels based on their setting isn't really new, but we're not sure how many expected one to come out...

The Stream Team: Another Astroneer EXO F.A.R.M. event

It's the return of Astroneer's Fuel Acquisition, Renewal & Maintenance event! The sturdysquash are in season again and Massively Op's MJ is ready to...

The MOP Up: Mu Online debuts a new level 1400 zone

Mu Online -- the original, accept no substitutes -- pumped out two new zones for players to explore. The maps in question are Old...

The MOP Up: Trove’s Sunrise update arrives on consoles

Trove's new Solarian class is finally available to play on Xbox, Switch and PlayStation, as the Sunrise update landed on those consoles this past...