
LOTRO Legendarium: Why do we know so little about Fate of Gundabad?

Over the past few months, my general sense of rising hope for Lord of the Rings Online has been tempered by a nagging disquiet...

Fallout 76 has a couple more patches coming for 2021

The reception of Fallout Worlds in Fallout 76 has been a bit of a mixed bag this month, with some players loving the anything-goes...

Palia wraps up the pre-alpha test you didn’t get to play

What happens when the announcement of your game draws far, far more interest than you have actual room for in your testing program? A...

Mortal Online 2 has shifted its launch to 2022, scraps early access plans

It's the story of 2021 so far, that so many MMOs have seen delays, but hey, here's one more: Mortal Online 2 has bumped...

Star Citizen fixes a currency bug, confirms that alpha 3.15 will feature a full progression wipe

Star Citizen's official forums have a couple of important announcements to share with players. First, a bug that was seeing aUEC disappear has been...

Bless Unleashed PC introduces a new high-level boss fight and new dungeon in latest update

If you've got a character that's between level 35 and 42 in Bless Unleashed's PC version, you've got some new content to face with...

WoW Classic releases Overlords of Outland, WoW Patch 9.1.5 undergoes additional testing

The watchword of World of Warcraft this week is "patches." Patches of patches of patches. Miles of patches. Patches of all shapes, sizes, and...

Elite Dangerous pushes back Odyssey Update 7’s release to address a community goal bug

Community goals are a nice way to get some big chunks of space cash and possibly a unique spaceship component, but there's been an...

The MOP Up: Swords ‘n Magic and Stuff moves into houses

Swords 'n Magic and Stuff is constructing its housing update this month on September 17th! The devs talked about the Farm 'n Forge update...
Cor, sair.

Final Fantasy XI brings out more Voracious Resurgence with its latest version update

Remember back in 2016 when we all thought that Final Fantasy XI was going into maintenance mode and would have no more major storyline additions...

So is The Matrix Resurrections making you want a Matrix Online resurrection?

Just two years ago, we all learned that the Matrix movie franchise was getting another entry, complete with one of the original directors and...

Bless Unleashed PC adjusts blessings for character classes and continues to swing its banhammer

Blessings upon you, classes of the PC version of Bless Unleashed! May your blessings be unleashed upon the appropriate foes! May they add beneficial...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Waking Flame DLC and update 31 are live on console today

It's not every Elder Scrolls Online update that we get to say the best parts are aimed at console players, but it's true this...

Path of Exile’s patch fixes flask bugs and damage reduction issues later this week

Let's be realistic, patch notes for bug fixing patches just aren't all that exciting. It's no mark against the developers working on Path of Exile,...
This is different.

Lost Ark on localization, latency, and the Striker’s western release

Last week, Amazon admitted that it has delayed the western release of Lost Ark from this fall to next year; the studio said it...

Starbase pushes back moon bases, capital ships, and station siege gameplay in newest roadmap update

It sucks when a game has to delay a bunch of features, but that's just what the crafting-minded sandbox Starbase is forced to do....

Shroud of the Avatar addresses ‘dozens of errors’ in latest patch

Release 93 of Shroud of the Avatar apparently didn't arrive without some bugs in it. That seems to be par for the course for...

Grab a key for Eden Falling’s ongoing closed alpha 2 courtesy of Razor Edge Games and MOP

Yesterday, Razor Edge Games kicked off phase two of its closed alpha for Eden Falling, the "multiplayer sci-fi turn-based strategic survival RPG" we've had...

The Game Archaeologist: SOE’s many MMO spin-off digital card games

One thing that I deeply admired about old Sony Online Entertainment was that it strove to experiment, innovate, and take risks. Sometimes those special...

Inside Star Citizen offers a look at several new ships, new weapons, and new locations in development

When we reported on Star Citizen's August development report, we noted that the ship development team was extremely busy with a number of vehicles...