cyberpunk 2077
MMO Business Roundup: Valve’s SteamPal, Rockstar’s record label, and Cyberpunk’s legal battles
Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news bits.
Valve: Would you like Steam to be your pal? Too bad because Valve...
Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries fully launches on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox X/S May 27
The Mechwarrior franchise has been back in MMO news a bunch lately, first with the revitalization of the MMO Mechwarrior Online and second with...
Massively Uplifting: Gamestonk, gorillas, and giving in MMOs
When it comes to feel-good stories in the general media, coming across a positive one about gaming seems harder than finding a four-leaf clover....
CDPR says it’s ‘reconsidering’ Cyberpunk 2077’s planned multiplayer
Covering Cyberpunk 2077 has been an exercise in frustration here on multiplayer-focused MOP as CD Projekt Red has been stringing along promises of a...
Cyberpunk 2077’s latest patch features a lengthy list of improvements and fixes
Cyberpunk 2077 has had yet another significant patch applied to the beleaguered RPG, with another wide swath of targeted improvements and bug fixes for...
SuperData says WoW’s player count is already ‘back to normal levels’ post-Shadowlands
How fast did the gaming world get over Cyberpunk 2077? One month, according to SuperData's latest revenue rankings. While CDPR's sprawling RPG dominated the...
MMO Business Roundup: Stadia’s and Bethsoft’s class-actions, Epic’s lockbox settlement, and CDPR’s DMCA takedowns
Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news - in this case, all happy fun lawsuits.
Stadia: Consumers are waging a new...
Hackers have successfully sold stolen CDPR source code and internal documents in a dark web auction
Earlier this week we reported on a breach of CD Projekt Red's systems that resulted in a number of stolen pieces of data, including...
CD Projekt Red is the victim of a cyber attack compromising its systems and ransoming its data
The time since the Cyberpunk 2077 release has not been a good one for CD Projekt Red, and it appears to have gotten worse...
SuperData December 2020: World of Warcraft is dethroned again, and people still love Among Us
While SuperData has already put a bow on the entirety of games earnings in 2020, there's still the December 2020 breakdown to cover, which...
Cyberpunk 2077’s latest patch ‘lays the groundwork’ for a better game
With massive player dissent, mismanagement, horrible console performance, and filed lawsuits against it, Cyberpunk 2077 has seen one of the rougher high-profile launches in...
EU fines Valve, ZeniMax, and other gaming companies almost $10M for antitrust geoblocking
The EU is cracking down on multiple games companies this week, finding them in violation of market regulations. The European Commission announced today that companies...
CD Projekt Red faces a second class-action lawsuit from investors over Cyberpunk 2077
It feels like there's not much bottom for things going wrong over at CD Projekt Red in the wake of Cyberpunk 2077. Sure, it was...
Cyberpunk 2077 developers share insight into issues that led to the RPG’s stumbling launch
While we'd heard a supposed account of a developer of Cyberpunk 2077 that was weakly denied by CD Projekt Red before, there's a new...
Cyberpunk 2077 bosses: ‘Don’t fault any of our teams for what happened’
Facing what could turn out to be multiple lawsuits over the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077 and the ensuing financial fallout, CD Projekt Red...
CD Projekt Red is facing potential fines from Polish consumer protection if patches don’t improve Cyberpunk 2077
Hey, remember how Cyberpunk 2077 is supposed to get a multiplayer component? Does that seem particularly likely given all of the game's current issues? One...
CDPR denies alleged anonymous dev’s account of Cyberpunk 2077 mismanagement and cut content
If you've been following the ongoing drama surrounding CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077, you've probably seen or at least seen references to a...
CD Projekt Red promises ‘vigorous’ defense in Cyberpunk 2077 consumer lawsuits
In what's perhaps a bit of a "water is wet" sort of story, CD Projekt Red, the publisher/developer of Cyberpunk 2077, released a statement...
MMO Year in Review: When Daybreak and Albion got bought out (December 2020)
Well, we made it to the final recap of the final month of the hell year known as 2020, and for MMOs, at least,...
The Daily Grind: Which gaming company told the biggest fib in 2020?
We have a rule at MOP: "Save your recordings." This is specifically because studios have said things to us on the record and then...