digital extremes

See: Warframe

Warframe of Mind: Can we catch up in Warframe’s story before TennoCon?

I have mixed feelings about TennoCon 2019. Don't get me wrong -- I am excited as all get out and look forward to going!...
Perhaps not.

Survived By passes away on April 19

Sad news for fans of Survived By today, as the game has announced that it is ending development and planning for a full shutdown on...

Part two of Warframe’s Buried Debts operation is live as community grumbles over events

Part two of Warframe's Buried Debts events is live this week, following up on last week's operation launch. The best bit is that among...

One Shots: Rack ’em up!

I have to say that I would be much more likely to take up the crimefighting life if there was a really hip rec...

The Stream Team: Beating up junction bosses and other Warframe update shenanigans

Warframe just dropped a beefy update, complete with the start of the big melee revamp, Operation: Buried Debts, and sizeable QoL improvements (which include...

Warframe’s Operation Buried Debts, Hildryn ‘frame, and melee combat revamp are live

Digital Extremes is keeping the pressure up with Warframe's incessant content rollouts, and we are not mad about it at all. Last night, the...

Warframe shows off horrifying Amalgams and an upgraded Plains of Eidolon

The devs of Warframe do not want you to sleep tonight or ever. That's the only explanation for the Amalgam enemy type they've created,...

Watch the rise and fall of the most popular Steam games of the last four years

For those of us who are visual learners (or heck, bar chart fanatics - and you know who you are), there's an interesting animated gif...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs do you wish would come to console?

I've never been a console-first kind of gamer, so I've never felt a great pull to invest heavily in consoles, even when more major...

The MMO Bookclub devotes March to Tibia, Destiny 2, and Apex Legends

If you haven't been hanging out with the folks at MMO Bookclub lately, you may have missed a shift in the format that's expanded...

Warframe just launched episode one of The Wolf of Saturn Six – on ALL the platforms

You know that annoying thing where MMOs get a content update on PC, but then the console launch is like a month later, but...

Warframe explains the end of Alerts and changes to melee

Times are a'changing in Warframe in some pretty significant ways once again. New dev updates on the game forums have provided some more insight...
Weepy weep weep.

Perfect Ten: The bloodiest MMOs of all time

I am not nor ever have been that much of a fan of gore and blood in video games. Oh, I thought Doom was...

The Stream Team: So much Warframe story still to go

There is certainly no shortage of things for Massively OP's MJ to do in Warframe. In fact, she has many missions to go before...

Warframe details 6th anniversary Weekend Wars and teases upcoming content in-game

Warframe is six years old, and there's no better way to celebrate the fact than by shooting and slicing enemies! To mark the milestone,...

Deep-diving AdventureQuest 3D’s Artix Entertainment

Are you familiar with Artix Entertainment? You may not be. That's because this studio flies so far under the radar of drama that face-palming...

Warframe maps out Weekend Wars, teases new Hildryn and Wisp ‘frames

Move over, Valentine's Day, a bigger event is on in Warframe: the Weekend War, in celebration of the game's sixth anniversary. Since beta. Because...

The MOP Up: Warframe brings Fortuna to Nintendo Switch

Are you jamming with Warframe on the Switch? If so, then this past week you had an extra reason to jam hard, as Digital...

One Shots: Diet lightsabers

I think it's about high time we got a Star Wars game in which lightsabers functioned properly as instruments that could melt or slice...

The Stream Team: Beating back bugs in Warframe’s Fortuna

Last time Massively OP's MJ ventured out on the frozen tundra of Warframe's Fortuna, her mission bugged out and she was never able to...