free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

The Stream Team: A dozen years of LOTRO Middle-earth merriment

Today marks LOTRO's 12th anniversary, and the festivities include a new anniversary quest. Unfortunately for Massively OP's MJ, she hasn't completed all the quest...
That's Trek for you.

Star Trek Online announces Rise of Discovery, two new discounted Command Dreadnoughts

Star Trek Online fans, point your eyeballs at PC Gamer this afternoon, as it's got the scoop on Rise of Discovery - that's the...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG benefits most from its IP?

We have certainly debated the downsides of basing MMOs on established intellectual properties, most namely the danger of having the license pulled and the...

World of Warships and metal band Sabaton make over-the-top music video for the Bismarck

Wargaming has never been subtle in its advertising and promotions. It also prides itself in the historical accuracy of its vehicles in its various...

Aion outlines a first pass of revisions to control effects

It's a time-honored rule that stunned people are not particularly good at fighting back. This is as true in Aion as it is in any...
Never mind, I'm not real!

Massively OP Podcast Episode 218: A pretty darn good week

Justin and Bree discuss City of Heroes, Atlas Reactor, Peria Chronicles, Torchlight Frontiers, Caravan Stories, Villagers & Heroes, and Star Trek Online.

Surprise! TERA just dropped the Elin Brawler on console in its Suckerpunch update

Raise your hand if you saw this one coming: Just a few weeks after the Elin Gunner rolled out to TERA: Reloaded on console,...

Neverwinter has officially launched the Undermountain expansion for PC players

It's expansion day for Perfect World's Neverwinter! At least if you're on PC, that is; console players will be waiting until June 11th for...

Choose My Adventure: Finding the perfect group activity in RuneScape

Early on in this month's Choose My Adventure, a reader in the comments mentioned that RuneScape is the perfect game to have a CMA,...

LOTRO kicks off its 12-year anniversary with gifts, Burglar overhaul

Happy Hobbity birthday wishes to Lord of the Rings Online, which turns 12 years old this week! The Middle-earth MMO released in 2007, taking...

The Stream Team: Creating chaos in Path of Exile

Path of Exile's Synthesis League is trucking along, as is the Chaos Witch of Massively OP's MJ. She's never played with chaos before, and...

Pirates of the Burning Sea’s new owners aim to revitalize the game after rescuing it from certain doom

City of Heroes' resurrection and preservation efforts are big news this month, but we've covered similar stories about playerbases rescuing video games from certain...

Neverwinter is making a loony old guy dance in tomorrow’s Undermountain expansion

In anticipation of the Undermountain expansion launch, Neverwinter took us on a trip behind the scenes on how it made one of the premier...

Fight or Kite: First impressions of newly free-to-play Albion Online

As soon as I heard that Albion Online was going free-to-play, I knew where I was going to spend the majority of my PvP...

1998’s Lineage finally adopts free-to-play in Korea

It's one of the oldest continually running graphical MMORPGs -- and also one of the last free-to-play holdouts in the industry. That last part...

The MOP Up: Population Zero throws a fashion show

You know how people advise you to "dress in layers" during inclement weather? And you think, "If I'm wearing pants, I'm doing well here,...

Neverwinter previews the Lair of the Mad Mage adventure in latest dev blog

Many trials await adventurers in Neverwinter's upcoming Undermountain expansion, and the game's latest dev blog is all about one of the final challenges players...

Global Chat: Can you play WoW Classic casually?

Over at Priest with a Cause, MMO blogger Shintar came up with a great question for those looking to play World of Warcraft's upcoming...

One Shots: Officially Sanctioned Sunday Afternoon Nap Hour

Shh. Shhhhhhhh. Do not, under any circumstances, make a sound during Officially Sanctioned Sunday Afternoon Nap Hour. Some of us take it very, very seriously and...

Star Trek Online will let you level with a T6 ship ‘very soon’

Considering how quickly you can level up in Star Trek Online these days (thanks, duty officers!), transferring to new ships every 10 levels has...