game mechanics

Oh, is that all.

Fallout 76 project lead argues that the repair kits aren’t pay-to-win… as long as you’re not competing with anyone

Before the launch of Fallout 76 the promise was that the game's cash shop would contain only cosmetic options and nothing that actually affected gameplay....
Hello, art discussion prompt.

Astellia addresses community concerns over pre-order items and game balance

The reveals of founder packs and the commencement of pre-orders for Astellia means that we're back in the familiar dance of figuring out the value...
Depth perception is for fools, I guess.

World of Warcraft shows off its Benthic gear while the Classic server calls a wrap on another stress test

Want to earn your new equipment in World of Warcraft by farming for items rather than praying for drops? The new Benthic gear available in...
Time to poke on home.

Nintendo announces Pokemon Home as a central trading service with Pokemon Go

Have you caught them all in Pokemon Go? Quite possibly not, some of them are really hard to catch. But you'd probably like to keep the...
Similar to teamwork.

Black Desert serves up better guild and attendance rewards as BDO on Xbox launches Awakening

The team that works together stays together, and you can't work with anyone if you don't log in to start with. Black Desert Online wants...

RuneScape improves the quality of life for those who delve into dungeons

The latest update for RuneScape is all about improving the quality of life for players, especially around dungeons. Elite Dungeons in particular have seen a...

Red Dead Online introduces a new challenge to hunt animals and nothing else

The Wild Animal Kills Challenge in Red Dead Online is interesting in part because it already knows what happens when you get a whole lot...
That is it, chief.

Path of Exile answers some of the frequently-asked questions about the Legion league

The bell tolls for Path of Exile's melee in its upcoming league, but it's the celebratory sort of bell. According to the latest set of...
Familiar horizons.

Skyforge introduces the programs unfolding on the surface of Terra

As players explore Terra in Skyforge, there is more to be done than anyone can realistically do. The forces of Aelion also have only a...
Hit things.

Path of Exile demonstrates its new Blood and Sand melee skills

You know now that with the Legin update, Path of Exile wants you to hit things. It wants you to hit things a lot, and one...
Dinosaur tech.

Star Trek Online is dropping 32-bit support in July

Time marches on, and it seems only appropriate that you cannot spend your time playing a futurist-looking science fiction series like Star Trek Online on...
I blew things up!

Apex Legends’ latest patch is all about sounds and hit detection

Is Apex Legends just too darn loud? The game's next patch is out today, and one of the things that it's doing is just turning...
Up on melancholy hill.

Citadel: Forged with Fire adds in dynamic weather and mastery levels

Say, remember Citadel: Forged with Fire? Gosh, we haven't heard about that one in a while, how's the game doing? Well, we can't speak for...
None of my salesmen has ever sold a car.

Population Zero outlines the basics of arming yourself with weapons

If you're going to survive in Population Zero, you'll need weapons. Fortunately, it looks like the most basic varieties of weapons won't be all that...
Bored now.

Black Desert Online offers up a new poacher to hunt while starting a guild attendance event on Xbox One

Who wants to go beat the snot out of a very specific poacher in Black Desert Online? The game's newest patch adds in a poacher...

Final Fantasy XIV launches patch 4.58 along with world status changes and new cosmetic items

We hope you got your new characters made on Balmung and Gilgamesh while you had the chance; both of Final Fantasy XIV's biggest servers...

Star Trek Online previews the ships of the Section 31 lockbox

Starfleet's ruthlessly goal-focused Section 31 tends to stick in the memories of fans; it's a shadowy organization that seems to be at once everywhere...
This is Thancred.

Final Fantasy XIV producer letter addresses gender-locking and job balance in Shadowbringers

The revelation of having no new healer job and two new gender-locked races added to Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers has prompted no small amount of...
Never mind, I'm not real!

Check out some video of the power in Peria Chronicles’ character creator

The first round of testing for long-awaited cel-shaded MMO Peria Chronicles has arrived, running until May 12th. But does the game's distinct graphical style mean...
Stormy weather.

The Daily Grind: How much free time do you have to spend on MMOs?

Time is money, as the adage goes, and that's often used as justification or at least explanation of the idea that certain MMOs will...