heroic games

Massively Overthinking: The minimum requirements for MMO player housing

We've got housing on the brain lately, thanks to Ship of Heroes' housing beta, Final Fantasy XIV's botched housing lottos, Warframe's new housing, and...

Ship of Heroes’ player housing beta begins today

As promised, City of Heroes-inspired indie MMORPG Ship of Heroes is throwing open its superhero doors for a fresh round of open beta beginning...

Ship of Heroes shows off player-made houses ahead of this weekend’s housing beta test

This coming weekend will see a beta test focused on player housing in the developing superheroic MMO Ship of Heroes, and while there was...

Ship of Heroes is running a player housing beta test in May – here’s how to play

Ship of Heroes brings glad tidings this fine Friday: The in-development superhero MMORPG is launching another beta period, this time focused entirely on its...

Ship of Heroes teases challenge missions and its 20-mile-long spaceship

When a dev blog begins with "Massive Plasma Cannons!" you know you're in for something explode-y. So begins Ship of Heroes' latest entry, in...

Ship of Heroes teases next round of beta with deep-dive into housing and player bases

Hey housing folks! Ship of Heroes has a fresh dev blog out this week aimed squarely at your proclivities as it features player bases...

Ship of Heroes bumps beta to spring, reveals City of Heroes- and SWTOR-inspired base building system

Well, you probably noticed that our indie MMO of 2021, Ship of Heroes, did not make it to its December beta as planned, seeing...

Into the Super-verse: A look back at superhero MMOs in 2021

Superhero fans were not lacking in news, games, and events this past year, and there's always the promise of much more to come in...

End-of-Year Eleven: The top MMOs to watch in 2022

If 2021 had a problem, it was that we got simply too many MMO releases between new launches, early access, and expansions. This breathtaking...

Ship of Heroes showcases trick or treat event ahead of December beta

As the Halloween season draws to a close in MMO land, the devs working on Ship of Heroes would like to take followers out...

Ship of Heroes shares a postmortem for its summer beta and future development plans

The summer beta test for Ship of Heroes has officially wrapped up, and it's time for the devs at Heroic Games to take stock...

One Shots: Flying into bugs at 90 mph

Flight may look cool on the superhero travel powers selection screen, but what they don't tell you in the shop is that it comes...
Go boom.

Ship of Heroes shows off the end boss fight of its mission beta while discussing difficulty

The smart way to take on the big showdown at the end of the Iris arc currently playable in Ship of Heroes' mission beta...

The Daily Grind: How many MMOs have you played this summer so far?

I've always seen the summer as a time to branch out and get in as much MMORPG gaming as possible, especially with all of...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 334: New World’s fourth delay

Justin and Bree discuss Bless Unleashed's PC launch, Blizzard's financials and Brack's departure, New World's latest delay, Dungeon and Dragons Online, the gender and survey, with adventures in Ship of Heroes, LOTRO, FFXIV, Albion, CoH, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on deadly difficulty in LOTRO and why FFXIV has become the landing zone for WoW refugees.

Into the Super-verse: First impressions of Ship of Heroes’ mission beta

With other City of Heroes spiritual successors lagging behind in development, the weight of our hope for the future of superhero MMOs lays upon...

Ship of Heroes previews the playable missions of its upcoming August beta event

As we reported earlier this month, Ship of Heroes is going to be entering a limited-time beta starting in August, which will include among...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 332: Does every voice really matter at Blizzard?

Justin and Bree discuss the Blizzard sexism lawsuit, with brief stops in New World, Lineage II, and Ship of Heroes.

Ship of Heroes is hitting beta on August 7 – signups open July 31

If you're still bummed about the fact that indie superhero MMORPG Ship of Heroes had to delay its launch from 2021 to 2022, take...
Go boom.

Ship of Heroes calls one and all to its July beta event, postpones launch to 2022

Ship of Heroes isn't going to launch this year, fam, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to play it. In fact, the...