Official Site: Neverwinter
Studio: Cryptic Studios/Perfect World Entertainment
Launch Date: June 20, 2013
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Xbox One
Neverwinter’s Strongholds expansion is coming this summer
Neverwinter's next expansion is called Strongholds, and it's coming to a PC near you this summer. Players will work together with their guild mates...
Massively OP Podcast: Episode 14
Justin and Bree discuss WildStar's chaos, NCsoft's financials, Trove, Marvel Heroes, The Secret World, ARK: Survival Evolved, Neverwinter's Xbox numbers, and The Division's delay, plus mailbag questions on Reddit gaming culture and escapism vs. lockboxes.
Neverwinter outlines new and upcoming changes
When lead designer Scott Shicoff took point on Neverwinter, his first dispatch to the community was a statement that he and the rest of...
Neverwinter cracks 1.6M players on Xbox One
If you're looking for Neverwinter's true success story, it might not be on the PC at all. Cryptic Studios announced today that ever since...
Massively Opinionated: Hearthstone vs Neverwinter vs LoL
In this episode, Larry, Jason, Justin, and Tina debate the MMO free-to-play business model: the best takes, the western market, and awful F2P ads.
Neverwinter announces its next major update, Underdark
Neverwinter is heading into a dark place with its next major update. Darker than dark, even. Tenatively dubbed Neverwinter: Underdark, the next module will...
Global Chat: What happens to original MMOs when they get sequels?
Telwyn at GamingSF asks a question that I've contemplated from time to time: When an MMO gets a sequel, what happens to the original...
The Game Archaeologist: AOL’s Neverwinter Nights
Here's a question for you: How much do you really, really have to love a game to pay $6 to $8 an hour to...
Perfect Ten: How to find the right MMO for you
A common question that I see posited around forums and Reddit is, "What MMO should I play?" If there is a more loaded question...
Massively OP Podcast: Episode 11
Justin, Bree, and guest John discuss Anarchy Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns, Neverwinter, Meridian 59, Ultima Online, classic Guild Wars, WildStar, Elder Scrolls Online, and Elite: Dangerous, with mailbag questions on making your own MMO.
Neverwinter’s new lead designer takes a ‘hard look’ at Elemental Evil
Neverwinter's Elemental Evil update had some issues that extend beyond some ill-distributed reward codes. A letter to the community from new lead designer Scott...
Neverwinter disables promotional codes following exploits
Last week, the Neverwinter team distributed a little bonus code via email to player accounts in celebration of the Elemental Evil update -- just...
Massively OP Podcast: Episode 10
Justin, Bree, and guests Ben and Tyler discuss WoW tokens, DCUO, Neverwinter's Minsc & Boo patch, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Wurm Online, and WildStar.
Neverwinter’s Elemental Evil is now available, insert Minsc and Boo joke here
For some reason it feels like we've been writing about Minsc and Boo for months. In any case, I guess we haven't been writing...
Massively OP Podcast: Episode 9
Justin and Bree discuss April Fools' Day, Neverwinter on Xbone, EverQuest II, SWG's NGE, Trove, Star Trek Online, WildStar, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on Guild Wars 2 leveling and the VR trend.
Neverwinter launches on Xbox One
You've played the MMO while sitting hunched forward at your computer -- now it's time to enjoy Neverwinter while slouching back on your couch...
Perfect World suffers more layoffs, this time in the EU
Massively OP has been contacted by a former Perfect World employee — who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed — about...
First impressions of Skyforge beta, part two
In the first part of my Skyforge closed beta impressions, I took a look at the tutorial and character creation process. Suitably impressed albeit...
Minsc and Boo go for the eyes in Neverwinter’s Elemental Evil
While fans are surely looking forward to Neverwinter's sixth expansion, which is launching just two weeks from now, a portion of the anticipation may be...
First impressions of Skyforge beta, part one
Slowly but surely, Skyforge has climbed my interest ladder until I was genuinely eager to check it out in its beta state. It's an...