
Of course, you can argue that the lack of BfA is actually a positive.

China’s third round of game approvals still omits Tencent and NetEase

There are a lot of game companies in China, but Tencent and NetEase are the two titans with huge stables of titles, numerous online...
Slash heal.

Crowfall takes inventory in its latest dev diary

Ahh, the humble inventory. It's a feature often taken for granted in MMOs; after all, you've gotta have somewhere to keep all of that...
In we go.

Anthem is just under a month away from official launch, but weekend VIP demo downloading has begun

If you've been looking forward to Anthem, you have about a month to go until it has launched for everyone. The game's full launch is...
Same old story, same old song and dance.

Long before Diablo Immortal, the franchise nearly had… Diablo Junior

We hear that if you look into a mirror with the lights off and say "Diablo Immortal" three times, the Prime Evil himself will...

The Division 2 encourages players to get greedy with new Dark Zone mechanics

We're only a couple of months out from the release of Ubisoft's MMO third-person-shooter The Division 2, which will be bringing with it a...

Guild Wars 2 rings in the year of the boar with its Lunar New Year festival

The Lunar New Year is just around the corner, and for the peoples of Tyria, that means it's time for Guild Wars 2's annual...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 205: Dragons and other MMO rarities

Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online's Elsweyr, Breach, Nexon, ArcheAge, Pantheon, FFXIV, SWG Legends, CrossCode, and the harms of early access.

Star Wars: The Old Republic fan petition asks for more funding for the game to give it new life

The state of Star Wars: The Old Republic is an odd one. It would seem odd to contend that the game is dying, but as...
Stormy weather.

World of Warcraft patches in its new raid and its new season of items for Tides of Vengeance

It's time to head into the Battle of Dazar'alor in World of Warcraft, so long as you've got a regular group to head into a...
There are no spoilers in this image.

Guild Wars 2 developers discuss the big dramatic ending of the latest Living World episode

Who likes big surprises in video game stories? All right, now who likes having those big dramatic moments spoiled ahead of time? If the...
Caw! Polly is no longer the apex predator!

Atlas hackers strike again with the return of the dreaded air whale

It's raining whales! What the heck, it's now raining whales?! Hoist sails! That's the ancient sea shanty players of Atlas were learning to sing when...
Looking forward to adding homegirl.

Heroes of the Storm professionals file lawsuit against former team owner over withheld payments

Five members of the now-defunct professional Heroes of the Storm team Naventic have filed a lawsuit against the team's former owner, James Ross Elliot...
Serveers (artist interpretation)

Pagan Online’s weekend test cancelled due to server overload

The good news about the Pagan Online stress testing that was meant to occur over the past weekend is that it did exactly what...

Torchlight Frontiers blends form and function with new wardrobe feature

In last week's dev livestream, the Torchlight Frontiers devs detailed some of the ways that they've been improving the game based on player feedback,...
When you've got tons of promo work to go back through.

MapleStory 2 is retiring Toad’s Toolkit on January 31

The latest producer's letter from MapleStory 2 describes Toad's Toolkit as an experiment, an attempt by the designers to address a clear issue with...
And this fad can end any time now, I'm not going to lie.

The Ice King cometh in Fortnite’s latest in-game event

Last week, Fortnite's update v7.20 went live, and alongside all of the normal fare like the new scoped revolver weapon and the reintroduction of...
Take care.

The MOP Up: WildStar suffers another indignity

Miss WildStar? Well at least there's the soundtrack to listen to on various sites, right? Nope! Apparently NCsoft pulled the acclaimed score from sites...

Dragon Saga is a sidescrolling MMO brawler you probably didn’t know existed

Hey, are you itching for a new game to play in the "sidescrolling MMORPG beat-em-up" subgenre? It seems weird that this is a whole...

Betawatch: Atlas addresses hacks and gets hacked

Screw you, hackers in Atlas! You don't get to ruin this game for people, according to the developers! They're working to fight you, and......
Well, this isn't ideal.

Tree of Savior introduces class progression overhauls and new raids in Re:Build update

A massive shake-up has come to Tree of Savior with its latest update, the scope of which is suggested by its official title --...