
See: Star Citizen

Star Citizen’s monthly report promises new missions, improved AI, and caves

The month of May has seen lots of development done in Star Citizen according to the game's monthly report. Now having typed that sentence,...

Star Citizen’s alpha 3.5.1 is live as CIG seeks feedback on ship customization pricing

Ship customization rolled out to PTU testers this week as part of Star Citizen's alpha 3.5.1, but CIG didn't waste much time pushing it...

Star Citizen pushed alpha 3.5.1 and ship customization to the PTU

It's happening: Star Citizen's next iteration, alpha 3.5.1, has rolled out to the PTU. Of course, as usual, this is for the early waves...

Star Citizen explains customized ships and ship gear insurance while exploring black market trade mechanics

Star Citizen's done something rather rare this week: It's posted up a detailed Q&A on ship customization that cuts right to the big questions...

Star Citizen begins early testing for alpha 3.5.1, answers Tumbril Ranger questions, and shows off plants

Hi friends! Would you like to hear more about Star Citizen stuff? Of course you would! And if you don't, make sure to tell...

One Shots: Look – but don’t throw

It's pretty common to be frustrated by MMOs showing you things that you can't ever touch or play. Whether it be fantastic races that...

Star Citizen deep-dives development and rewards, promises more info on 3.5.1 ‘soon’

We hope you really wanted to dig down into the guts of Star Citizen this week because on the latest Inside Star Citizen, Cloud...

Massively Overthinking: Unpopular MMORPG opinions

Unpopular opinions: We all have them. In fact we have so many that it's a straight up meme. This week's Massively Overthinking is one...

Star Citizen’s latest developer video premieres a ‘wheeled warrior of wickedness’

Yesterday when Star Citizen dropped its latest concept ship sale for Concierge players - for the Tumbril Ranger motorcycles - we guessed that not...

Star Citizen’s latest concept ship sale is actually for… motorcycles

When DK tipped me this story, I joked that I could just write "Star Citizen. Motorcycles. $450" and you guys would just go and...

Star Citizens, check your hangars – the recent $0 CCU purge wiped out some valuable chassis

Heads-up if you're a Star Citizen backer: Last week's update to the Cross Chassis Upgrade system has apparently gone awry. That's the system that...

One Shots: A view to a kill

Considering which side of our characters we look at the most, it bewilders me how little customization that MMO designers give to the back...

Lawful Neutral: The war over Star Citizen in Crytek v. Cloud Imperium Games

Hello citizens! Today, I'm going to talk about a little game that's been flying under the radar and I think deserves some air time:...

Inside Star Citizen discusses the 3.5 flight model, collecting feedback, and the Banu Defender

The weekly Star Citizen development video is out once again, and this time it's all about that flight model, which is something that the...
It's true and you should say it.

Forbes characterizes Star Citizen’s development as ‘incompetence and mismanagement on a galactic scale’

If you have only the faintest idea what has gone on with Star Citizen since its initial Kickstarter, a new Forbes piece on the game...

Star Citizen celebrates the arrival of its alpha 3.5 update with a week-long Free Fly promotion

Tomorrow, Star Citizen's alpha 3.5 update is lifting off, and to celebrate the occasion, Cloud Imperium Games is making the game free for anyone...

One Shots: Cruising in the Batmobile

Nothing gives me genre whiplash more than seeing technology that's vastly more advanced from anything in our world existing alongside of an otherwise-medieval realm....

The Stream Team: Creating a new (lady) Star Citizen

Massively OP's MJ is happy to finally be able to explore space on a female avatar in Star Citizen. Of course, that means she...

Star Citizen swaps Around the Verse for Inside Star Citizen as it deep dives its own Cloud City

Around the Verse is back this week for Star Citizen fans, although it's gotten a bit of an overhaul: It's now called Inside Star...
We never claimed to be saints.

Star Citizen’s Chris Roberts thinks that Anthem is worth saving

Not content to merely oversee the construction of the greatest space sim of all time, Star Citizen's Chris Roberts has ideas how to right...